New Music Cold War Kids – “What You Say” Cold War Kids will return with their album New Age Norms 3, the last of…Continue Reading
New Music Juleah – “Eat Sleep Sun” Juleah is the project of Austria-based musician Julia Hummer, who is preparing for the release…Continue Reading
New Music Hallan – “Reruns” Portsmouth, England punk rockers Hallan are gearing up for the release of their debut EP Reporting Live From…Continue Reading
New Music Jenny Owen Youngs – “Dungeons and Dragons” (S. Carey Remix) Jenny Owen Youngs has recently let go of her new EP Echo Mountain which features…Continue Reading
New Music Velvet Starlings – “Back Of The Train” Los Angeles-based rock outfit Velvet Starlings tap into the sounds of rock and roll’s past…Continue Reading
New Music Answers – “Dreaming” Answers are a Melbourne based, 2 piece, post-punk/dreampop/shoegaze band that explores “melodic guitar driven sounds.”…Continue Reading
New Music Breakup Films – “Just Whenever Breakup Films are an Israel-based rock band that is preparing the release of their new…Continue Reading
New Music Bnny – “Ambulance” Bnny is a Chicago-based band led by Jess Viscius, who plays alongside her twin sister…Continue Reading
New Music Charlie Duda – “Roller Coaster” Los Angeles’ Charlie Duda recently returned with his new EP Roller Coaster, from which we…Continue Reading
New Music Azure Ray – “I Don’t Want To Want To” Dream pop duo Azure Ray has returned with their new album Remedy, which includes singles…Continue Reading