This year’s CMJ came and went as fast as ever. Going into the fest, I didn’t know what to expect. I ended up leaving pretty surprised about how much great music I saw. (Hell, we even threw our own showcase)
Somewhere in between the various free drinks of alcohol and catch up sessions with friends and fellow music lovers, I found time to catch a bunch of sets of music (almost 40 to be exact). From fresh-faced bands trying to make it, to the more established acts who just happened to be in town for more “official” showcase. From the insanity of Fat White Family’s live show, to the return of Slowdive, there was no shortage of quality music being performed live.
You can find all the show coverage sprinkled through the last few pages of the blog, but here were some of my favorite performance from CMJ 2014, as well as some of my favorite photos that resulted.
1. Fat White Family @ Baby’s All Right (Day + Night)
2. Slowdive @ Terminal 5
3. King Gizzard @ Baby’s All Right
4. Tei Shi @ Baby’s All Right
5. The Horrors @ Stage 48
6. Kateboy @ The Knitting Factory
7. Ultimate Painting @ Pianos
8. Courtney Barnett @ Webster Hall
9. Mainland @ Cake Shop
10. Lydia Ainsworth @ Baby’s All Right
11. Adult Jazz @ Fader Fort
12. Happyness @ Pianos
13. Protomartyr @ Baby’s All Right
14. Twin Peaks @ Baby’s All Right
15. Splashh @ Pianos
16. Tweens @ Arlene’s Grocery
17. Fieldmouse @ Cake Shop

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