
Grimson is a 26-year-old Swedish/American songwriter and animator who grew up in New York City. We previously shared his tracks “Fault Lines” and “Round Trip Ticket.”

He’s since returned with “Measure of a Mom”, his first new single since the release of his debut album last fall. It’s got a sun-soaked 70’s influence to it, with some warm radiant arrangement and vocals that have a sense of melancholy that shines through the speakers with precision.

Or as he puts it:

Do you remember when you were a child, and your mother would wake up before you to put on the kettle/make coffee, and enjoy a few minutes by herself before waking you up for school? Maybe everyone wasn’t so lucky – but this song is dedicated to the quiet generosity of parents, but also the attempt to care for a child/teenager who might be struggling internally and just want to stat in bed. This will be my first new single after releasing my debut album in September of last year. It is a maturation of my previous work, but still focuses on the melodic, textural, and storytelling qualities of my previous music.

Enjoy a listen now below.

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