
Toronto-based singer-songwriter Rose Brokenshire is also a firefighter, a career that she is actually taking a year off from to fully pursue her music full-time.

She’s preparing for the release of a brand new EP, and has given us a preview with new single “When I Grow Up.” It’s an ethereal and hypnotic enchanting slice of dreamy electronic pop, with some gorgeous production and vocals that feel like you’re floating in a dream state.

Speaking on the song, Brokenshire details:

Although this song is only a whopping 5 short sentences long, what it represents to me is a moment in time where I completely changed the trajectory of my life. Some people see me as calm and cool but I am also an anxious people pleaser. The point in time where I wrote this, I was recognizing for the first time that if I continued to fit myself into other peoples lives and sacrifice my own values in order to make them happy I would end up giving up everything. The last thing I ever want to do is hurt those I care about, but sometimes it is necessary if your own integrity is at stake. I wrote this song knowing the decisions I needed to make, knowing I needed to leave a place that felt difficult to exist, and how this decision would hurt those I loved. This song is about wishing someone would just tell you what your life will look like so that the guilt and hurt you feel along the way might not feel so heavy.

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