
Blurstem is Minneapolis, Minnesota-based producer Chris Bartels. His neoclassical-ambient project has recently returned with new album, Ocelli, via Western Vinyl.

The record saw Bartels aim to elevate the sound with “a blend of intimate moments and grandiose landscapes. Initially minimalist piano improvisations.”

There’s not much better of a look at that than single and standout track “Ocelli”, which features some gorgeous ambient elements mixed with a cinematic widescreen nature that has qualities of some of the best moments in-between the rising action of acts like Sigur Ros, Explosions In The Sky, and Tycho.

Or as it’s described:

“Draped in classical textures; creating moving and tranquil pieces that balance intimate and introspective gestures with grand, expansive atmospheres, creating impressionistic worlds where the local and the universal coalesce.

Enjoy a listen below and find the album available to stream and buy at Bandcamp.

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