
Font is an Austin-based band made up of Thom Waddill, Jack Owens, Anthony Lawrence, Roman Parnell, and Logan Wagner.

They tap into a blend of dance and post-punk on “It”, a track that is built on a sound of swirling electronics and brooding punk rock that feels like one part Nine Inch Nails and one part early 2000s DFA The Rapture.

There is a dance groove that blends with the frantic unease of the vocals which just makes you want to get up dance, and shake off all those inner demons.

Or as they describe it:

A core part of our process is that we begin with rhythm. “It” began with the kick pattern that extends throughout the song. Like many of our songs, the vocals and lyrics come as a response to the drums. Thom usually dances while writing vocal parts as an attempt to engage his subconscious; for this song, he recorded himself as he did this, and then filled in many of the words based on the sounds he made. The result is a song that cavorts around an unnamed thing, “it,” that seems at once everywhere and nowhere, both summoned and repelled.

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