Dallas, Texas-based indie outfit Phantomelo has caught our attention in the past and has done so again with style on their single “Shark Attack.”
The song which was originally about the shallowness of social media influencers took on a new life of meaning. The song now stands in their mind as a reimagining of the corporate shilling of Texas Governor Gregg Abbot.
The political statement comes with a shimmering indie rock energy that feels like a mix of Best Coast, FIDLAR, and a little power pop DNA of its own creation.
But find the band’s thoughtful statement about the evolution of the songs meaning over time:
Well, the beautiful thing about art, is that is can be re-imagined, re-interpreted and re-applied at anytime which can totally re-energize the art.
As Texans, as women and minorities, we are feeling the rug being pulled from under our feet by those who “represent” us.
This song has now instead been aimed at the biggest slut in Texas, Governor Gregg Abbot, whose tongue is so deep in the corporate asshole he has no choice but to do their bidding. We don’t need someone in public Office like that. Someone who accepts the majority of his campaign funding from a small group of hyper wealthy individuals to whom he is beholden. Someone whose morals are bought and paid for, and whose policies are a direct result of this funding. Greg Abbot making decisions about whether women have autonomy over their own bodies, or minority rights, as someone so far disconnected from us, is downright insulting, and worthy of outrage.
This song is the emetic result of unregulated capitalism taking a chokehold on America, where freedom for corporations and business is expanding while human rights are being quietly snuffed out.
If I could put a middle finger here I would.
Find “Shark Attack” streaming now below.
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