
Singer-songwriter Kramies is preparing for the release of his self-titled debut album, which will be released on September 9th.

Ahead of its release, he shared single “Hotel in LA”, a track written after he found an old letter from someone that he used to care about. The song captures this melancholic and faded memory-like spirit with a glow that is effective in its encapsulation of finding a moment that brings back a flood of old feelings and memories, some that often are better left untreated.

Or as he describes it, below:

“I have kept a lot of memorabilia, photos and letters from my past. Especially stuff from touring and travels. I’ve had a pretty unique life as an artist so I’m glad every time I move to a new place to find old memories of things I might have otherwise forgotten about. I wrote ‘Hotel in LA’ on a day that I found an old letter from someone I used to care about. It was a fond memory even though it might have sounded a bit sad. Most of my songs seem to have that element. In the letter was a paragraph on how we joked about having to make a hotel that was falling apart in California into something lovely by hanging photos over the cracked and water stained walls, eventually filling the walls with 1000 frames. 

I’ve never known how these songs come about and through me but this one was a special moment in time. The letter and lyrics came from the time when I was at the height of my drug addiction before I got clean. The song was originally titled ‘Shitty Hotel in LA.’ It kind of follows that timeline of my life where there was a beautiful blur between the lines of what was real and what was nostalgia in the making. I write a lot these days, and the best part about this song was that I captured it on a balcony overlooking the Blue Ridge Parkway. I’ll never remember how to play it again, which makes it even more of a lost memory caught in time.”

Find the music video for “Hotel in LA” available to watch below.

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