Stel Furet is a singer-songwriter based out of Santa Cruz, California whose passion for music who ignited and inspired by the classic works of albums such as Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon, The Beatles’ White Album, Neil Young’s After the Gold Rush and Elton John’s Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.
He’s made his debut solo release on his 5-track EP, human nature machine, which he released earlier in the year. The EP has a concept that follows a storyline featuring a character, “coming of age, falling in love, heartbreak, hope, then reflection.”
“33 ½” is the EP’s opening anthem and also a good indicator of the release as a whole. It’s a warm classic rock ode that feels like a cool summer’s day. That keen sense of narrative storytelling is felt, with plenty of cool coasting guitar work and an anthemic spirit that feels warm and familiar – like an old friend that you haven’t seen in a while.
Enjoy a spin of 33 1/2″ now below and find the entire EP streaming over at Spotify.
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