
Bristol-based post-punkers Saloon Dion have recently signed to the prolific Nice Swan Records and recently shared the anthemic new single “Hey Hey.”

The track sees them throw their hat into the ring of the British post-punk wave that has taken the country by storm, with a bit of a highly observation vocal performance, reminiscent of the highly buzzed-about Yard Act.

About the song, the band’s singer/synth player Dave Sturgess adds:

None of us can claim to be perfect, we are all capable of both good and bad. I found it interesting when writing this song to think about where certain traits of mine came from. There have certainly been times when I’ve stood by people who didn’t necessarily deserve it, and vice versa. We all carry with us certain destructive behaviours that can be damaging to ourselves and those around us if unchecked.

It also interests me how it can feel that the people we are closest too can be the ones who understand us the least. I wanted to try and reflect that feeling in this song.

Enjoy a listen to “HEY HEY” now below.

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