
Photo by  Kenzie Pigman

New Zealand-based dream pop outfit Mild Orange are gearing up for the release of new album Looking for Space on February 10th.

The band have let go of “Oh Yeah” the final single shared before the album’s release. It’s a lush and meditative effort that has a 90s spirit to it, full of gorgous and dreamy hazy ideas that float freely like the wind on a cool summer’s eve.

Of the single, frontman Josh Mehrtens shares:

“I wrote the lyrics to ‘Oh Yeah’ to be intentionally about nothing – but within nothing there is always something. In an art history paper I did at uni, there was a quote I came across, and sadly, I’m not sure who from but it went something like: “with art, there is always meaning”. This got glossed over in the lecture but it’s stuck with me for years now. Even the decision not to have meaning has a meaning. I love this irony and found it comical that you can’t escape meaning, so I wanted to write lyrics about nothing, which meant little to me at the time except just to purely feel good. That ‘something’ can become clearer once you look back on the seemingly nothingness you tried to evoke.”

Stay tuned for the rest of the album but for now find “Oh Yeah” streaming below.

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