GOOSE! (don’t be frightened) is the duo of Matt Mena and Laura May, a team-up described as being “conceived in a fever dream” and featuring an ever-changing lineup of influences, capturing feelings of “isolation, introspection, loss, love, fear, and joy.”
But all you need to know about them is their music is unique and actually makes you feel something inside no matter how dead you proclaim that you are inside. On their magnetic single “Hearsay, Do Say (Happy Holidays)” the band craft an enchanting atmosphere and place in your mind’s eye, a mix of the powers of bands like Annuals, Animal Collective and Freelance Whales.
This is the sort of song that would have grabbed a hold of the blogosphere and taken it by storm. We are sadly in a different time now but that shouldn’t change anything. This song is really something special. Take a listen to it now below.
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