Toronto-based singer-songwriter Alyson McNamara has recently released her new album Let Me Sleep which includes the previously shared tracks “That’s Today” and “Waiting.”, along with album highlight “Got All Night.”
It’s a a song she describes as a “homage to this weird and mystical dumpy apartment I used to live in – the story is about inviting someone over for the first time, assuring them it’s nice inside”
As with those tracks, McNamara showcases her supreme songwriting prowess here in a way that carries the torch of smart folk-leaning songwriting, but through a charming indie-pop sensibility that reveals itself to be even catchier than you imagined. It coasts along with a light ease to it but still packs a significant emotional wallap.
Find the lovely “Got All Night” streaming below, where we have also shared a longer quote from McNamara about the songs background.
I had my own place in Toronto for a few years and my friends and I would always refer to the house as “Garbage World”. It housed a lot of musicians over the years and we all just enjoyed it for what it was, leaky ceilings, rickety balconies, scary mystery rooms and all. It was a bit of a celebrity house on the block due to its constantly tarped-up porch and spooky look. I talked my way into some very cheap rent and loved it there, but it came with a few caveats, namely not having a lock on my apartment door and inheriting a pile of strange clutter that I wasn’t allowed to get rid of. “Got All Night” is a bit of an homage to this weird and mystical place – the story is about inviting someone over for the first time, knowing they’ll likely be a bit hesitant and assuring them that it’s nice in my place at the top. I wrote this song in a little hut at a songwriting residency in the mountains and it felt so much easier to paint a picture about living and dating in the city once I had removed myself from it.
You can stream and buy the entire album at her Bandcamp and find “Got All Night” streaming below.
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