
Last week saw Los Angeles-based post-punk rockers Adult Books return with their new album Grecian Urn, released via Taxi Gauche Records.

Single and title track “Grecian Urn” is a highlight off the record. It was their first attempt to write a more electronic-leaning song and it taps into a colorful vibrant feeling that is full of passion and a far-reaching emotional feel that they knock out of the park in the combination with their jangly post rock guitar-led sound.

Singer Nick Winfrey says about the song:

I wrote “Grecian Urn” during a really productive yet destructive period in my life. I would sometimes go days on end without sleeping, writing and recording music all night in my room and then listening to those recordings through headphones over and over again in bed. The lyrics are inspired in part by the ​John Keats​ poem, ​’Ode on a Grecian Urn’​, in which the speaker examines the images painted on an ancient vase, exploring what it means to be frozen in a moment of time for all eternity. At the time, I was fresh out of a relationship, unhappy at my job, and uncertain of my future, and could very much relate to the idea of being in limbo, paralyzed by inaction and unsure of how to move forward.

You can stream or buy the whole album at Bandcamp and listen to the single directly below.

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