
Article + Photos by Brian Berson

Bandits On The Run, a three-piece folk/rock group from NYC played a packed show at Mercury Lounge where they had virtual reality headsets on hand for fans to check out their new 360 degree filmed video for “The Ballad Of Bonnie Jean.” Even though for this show they were the opening act they completely stole the show with their relatively short eight-song set.

To see a Bandits show is an experience, besides catchy, well written and beautifully harmonized songs their stage banter is funny and lively. They played “She’s The Queen” dedicated and written about their accordion player/singer Regina Strayhorn aka “Clarissa” in honor of her birthday. To keep the dedications going the next song was dedicated to cellist and vocalist Sydney Shepherd aka “Bonanza Jellyfish” as they played the upbeat and memorable song “Battle Giants”. To accompany the Bandits out of nowhere a flash mob consisting of the Urban Choir Project popped up in the crowd at the foot of the stage waving tiny firefly flashlights to join in and harmonies for “Battle Giants” and “Paris”

Their final song of the evening “Love In The Underground” was not only a nod to their roots as a band busking in the subways of NYC but also how Sydney and Bandits’ guitarist and singer/ percussionist Adrian Enscoe aka “Roy Dodger” met and fell in love.
Having just released their newest video for “Cowboy On The Run” hopefully Bandits On The Run will be pulling musical stickups on tour soon and will reach the widest audiences possible. They’re not to be missed, everyone in attendance will leave with a song stuck in their head and a smile on their face.

Find a full photo gallery from their Mercury Lounge performance posted below.

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