Christopher Owens, now long removed from his former breakthrough rock duo Girls, has certainly proved that his career as a solo musician is permanent. Ever since officially going solo in 2013, Owens has released an album every year, with his latest album, Chrissybaby Forever, coming seemingly out of nowhere in early June (released via Turnstile Music).
On June 20 he returned to New York for a performance at Baby’s All Right, an appropriate place for his newer material which deserves a slightly more intimate setting. Owens shared many tracks from his new album, previous solo records, and select off-beat Girls cuts. Owens still draws quite a bit of a passionite cult following, with one fan who Owens recognized during the show getting a hug in between songs. It seems like Owens is able to comfortably be himself and have more fun on his own as a solo artist, even if deep down, all of us wouldn’t mind a Girls reunion someday.
Find some photos from his performance at Baby’s posted below.
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