
I made it back to Chicago again this summer to make my mark on Lollapalooza. The festival takes place in the heart of Grant Park, shutting down a few city blocks along with it. It was a impressive hike between all of the stages, which created quite the trek when you factor in the insane heat that we saw. There was also a evacuation on Day 2 that made things dangerous and chaotic.

On a basic level, this is definitely one of the big boys in terms of American summer festivals. The lineup was stacked in many ways, and pretty balanced. There was something for everyone playing at all hours. I definitely will go back again, and will hopefully see you guys next year.

Below find all my coverage from the festival, as it is listed from bands on a day-to-day basis.

The War On Drugs
Tame Impala
Black Sabbath

Franz Ferdinand
Frank Ocean

The Walkmen
Sigur Ros
The Gaslight Anthem
At The Drive-In

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