
We’ve posted about the free Band Of Horses show over the last few days, but got no officialy word, until now. The band posted a tweet confirming that the show is going to take place at Grand Central Station, as weird as that is. The show will start at 6:30 p.m. , but you will have to arrive a lot earlier than that, as it is first come, first serve. The line will apparently begin at the 42nd St Entrance.

I take a train from where I am, straight to Grand Central, so this is literally perfect. Good luck getting there, say hello if you see me on line! (You can’t miss me, trust me).

If you become a fan of them on facebook, you have a chance of being one of ten lucky facebook fans who get to cut the line. Add them here. Winners will be selected and notified by 3:30 pm, tomorrow.

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