
I finally got a press release about MGMT’s new album, Congratulations! It’s finally official! The album is indeed coming out on April 13th like we thought it was! The new album is a collection of “nine individual musical tours de force sequenced to flow with sonic and thematic coherence. One of the songs is titled “Lady Dada’s Nightmare”, which is a instrumental homage dedicated to yes, Lady Gaga. Weird.

The album was self produced by MGMT, along with Sonic Boom. It was recorded throughout 2009 in Malibu, upstate New York, and Brooklyn. The band’s live lineup worked with the Andrew and Ben on the recordings.

Here is a direct quote from the press release which tells us a pretty good deal about the album:

With Congratulations, MGMT unlock a new musical world whirling in its own space/time grid infused with hints of music from the past five decades.  Soulful and complex, Congratulations is a surprising and delightful quantum step forward in MGMT’s ongoing pop revolution.

I’m really excited to hear what MGMT have come up with. I think they have great potential to deliver something really strong, but at the same time, I am sorta worried. Either way, I cannot wait to get to hear Congratulations already! I posted the tracklisting below:

01 It’s Working
02 Song for Dan Treacy
03 Someone’s Missing
04 Flash Delirium
05 I Found a Whistle
06 Siberian Breaks
07 Brian Eno
08 Lady Dada’s Nightmare
09 Congratulations

If you head over to the bands site, you can pre-order the album. Like I said, it’s coming out on April 13th! Keep an eye out for any new tracks, and feel free to send me tips if you know anything that I don’t!!!

Below, I some live videos of Congratulations songs that the band has performed live already to give you a small taste of what to expect:

It’s Working

Song for Dan Treacy


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