Anyone who uses twitter & follows album links was most likely a dedicated follower of diditleak. It was a twitter account and website that updated the world on all the big/small album leaks. The user remained complete anonamys and hit in the shadows. They had no intrest in fame. Their only concern was keeping the music community updated with all the new music leaking into the web. With over 12,000 followers on twitter it was safe to say that they made it pretty far. Notice my use of the past tense.
Diditleak’s last update was on January 5th for Vampire Weekend’s Contra. He has not updated since, nor will he ever again. That is because Alan Carton, the man behind diditleak, passed away.
Village Voice wrote a really touching piece about Alan Carton and his sad journey towards illness. They talk to his mother about his sickness, and how he continued to update his site even while he was sickly ill. It is a great article that really tells you a lot about Alan’s dedication for his site. It kept him going. I can relate to that because this website often gets me through my days.
Read the article here, it is a must read!
RIP Alan
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