Mike Yaniro, the bassist of Ridgewood Queens, New York band Twin Stumps was brutally attacked for only 10 bucks and a cell phone. Fucking people man. Her is a description of his injuries:
A brief description of his injuries: His right eye socket needs surgery as there is a bone protruding into it… so it needs to be repaired to restore his ability to move the eye. (He has had this surgery, and will need more work in the future). He has a fractured jaw and nose which will require surgery to repair, as well as multiple broken bones in his face. Pieces of titanium metal is to be inserted in his face to support the bones.
People are savages! Mike is going to need multiple surgeries, unfortunately he has no medical surgeries. So his friend has started a Mike Yaniro Medical Fund in order to help him get the medical coverage that he deserves. You can read the complete story/situation at the website.
Point being, this is a really sad story, especially considering it was over chump change and a cell phone. This just shows how disgraceful society can be.
If you want to help Mike, head over to the fundraising campaign over at facebook, or you can directly send a donation through paypal to mikeyaniromedicalfund@gmail.com. Read the full story here, and if you can spare some change, go help them out. This is a really shitty situation, I would want the help if I was in Mike’s shoes. You can also buy Twin Stumps album here. Especially with the Holiday’s looming. There is a benifit show tomorrow at Death By Audio, all proceeds will go to his surgeries. I posted the flyer below! :
Good luck to Mike and everyone!
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