Slaves, the rowdy English punk duo of Laurie Vincent and Isaac Holman, returned with their third album Acts of Fear and Love this August via Virgin EMI Records. They gave us a preview of some of these songs earlier this year when they kicked off day 1 of Governors Ball and returned again for a much more intimate affair at Alphaville on October 3. The sold out show also featured an opening performance from Brooklyn’s Honduras.
Slaves mixed the set between new material and songs from their debut Are You Satisfied? and spent just as much time wandering within the crowd as they did cause havoc on stage. The entire room of Alphaville was truly their stage, and they had the crowd moving with them from start to finish at a hellbent pace. It felt like a total community affair, which was proven true with the unforgettable way that they concluded their set.
Following the set-closing performance of “The Hunter,” Vincent and Holman ran out of the room but didn’t depart down a secret backstage tunnel or dissapear. Instead, they were waiting out front and shook the hand of every person that left their show. It may not be the total punk finale that one would expect but it was as cool of a move as I’ve seen post show.
Find a full gallery of photos from both their set and Honduras, posted in the gallery below.


Slaves setlist:
1. Sockets
2. Bugs
3. Magnolia
4. Cheer Up London
5. The Lives They Wish They Had
6. Cut and Run
7. Where’s Your Car Debbie?
8. Chokehold
9. Photo Opportunity
10. Sugar Coated Bitter Truth
11. Beauty Quest
12. The Hunter
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