All photos by Anthony Bauer
Last Monday we threw a CMJ Warmup Party/Showcase along with our pals The Needle Drop and We Listen For You. The event was free, and went down at Pianos. The night featured an eclectic lineup that included Oscar, Sharpless, White Reaper, Cakes Da Killa, Uncommon Nasa and Machine Girl.
If you were there, you know what went down. If you weren’t you missed one hell of a night. I know that I speak not only for myself, but for both Anthony and Zach, when I say that we were incredibly impressed, and humbled, by the turnout and the great performances by each of the talented artists who played. Thanks so much for coming out and supporting some great new artists that truly deserve it. We hope to do it again next year.
Thanks to my man Anthony Bauer, we got some awesome photos of all the great artists who performed. Find all of them in the photo gallery posted below.


White Reaper:

Cakes Da Killer:

Uncommon Nasa:

Machine Girl:

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