
If you haven’t heard about the LCD Soundsystem scalper fiasco by now, you must be living under a huge rock. It’s really a shitty situation, and I can’t imagine how disappointing it is to the LCD camp. However, they have announced a set of 4 shows at Terminal 5 from March 28-31.

James has shown his frustrations on twitter. It’s refreshing to see that an artist truly does care about his fans. He left a huge message on the LCD Soundsystem website explaining his feelings on the situation and offering an honest reflection of what happened.

Hopefully the MSG tickets drop eventually but I have a bad feeling that’s not going to happen. At least fans will have a chance to see them play one last time now, but it’s not going to be the same for the fans or the band. MSG was supposed to be a join celebration. Now it’s been watered down with a hint of sour taste.

I’ll surely be at one of the Terminal 5 shows, and hopefully tickets will drop at MSG. If anything, this whole event should cause us to take a look at stubhub as a whole, and think about what they are doing to concert tickets.

The rich get richer and the regular people can’t even see a damn show. Somethings not right.

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