Blogger and Google have finally struck down upon music blogs. So far they deleted my friend Chris’s blog It’s A Rap, along with PopTartsSuckToasted, and Livingears (newly started at, and irockcleveland . When google gets complaints from the big labels and legal companies, they always take action. It started with deleting posts that got complaints, and that is why I moved to wordpress in the winter of 2008. I had a feeling that soon it wouldn’t just be posts, but it would gradually move on to the entire blogs themselves.
Without warning, they just deleted all of these bloggers hard work. These guys have put hours of their lives into their site. This is complete bullshit. How the hell can google get away with just coming in and deleteing someone’s website? Ok they posted a track that made someone upset. Email them, and ask them to take it down. That would be the end of it. Was it really neccesary to delete their site? God damn!!!!
This is really upsetting to me, so I can only imagine how those guys feels. They are going to have to rebuild, and start from scratch now. For all you other blogspot bloggers out there, you better get moved over to wordpress, or at least back up your database right now!
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