
Unexpectedly during last night’s Grammy Awards, CBS aired a third trailer for the upcoming live-action Maleficent that somehow slightly puts the previous two to shame. Here, judge for yourself before we go any further.

Anyway, the first two trailers (one of which I discussed in recent weeks) rely more on the animated Disney classic and the CGI rather than the cast, but this trailer – while still relying on CGI action sequences and money shots (the battlefield, baby Aurora’s name day) – has a haunting cover of “Once Upon a Dream” from Lana Del Rey. The nostalgia factor is still as present as before – a little less so than the second trailer that integrated footage from Sleeping Beauty – what with the cover song and the glimpses of two of the three featured kings (District 9/Elysium/The A-Team‘s Sharlto Copley as Stefan and Kenneth Cranham as Henry) and Elle Fanning as Aurora. And I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Angelina Jolie’s striking cheekbones.

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Maleficent retells the other side of Sleeping Beauty – Maleficent’s (Angelina Jolie) side and brings more faerie back-story to the character and Disney world. The film, from first-time director Robert Stromberg, enchants its way into theaters on May 30, 2014.

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