

Lone Survivor is a film that has sorta gone under the radar for me, as I hadn’t heard anything about it until I saw it’s trailer. It’s the latest effort from director Peter Berg who is looking to come back strong after Battleship. The film is based on a true story about a Navy Seal and his mission to take out a ciritical Taliban figure. It’s based on the book Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10, by Marcus Luttrell who is the lone survivor of the attack. The film will show us what he went through with the loss of his team, and the route to survival in the midst of the Taliban’s hunt for him.

Mark Wahlberg stars as Luttrell. The film also sports Taylor Kitsch, Eric Bana, Alexander Ludwig, Emile Hirsch, Ben Foster, and Jerry Ferrara.

The film will open in NYC on December 27, and will go wide on January 10, 2014. With its topic and scheduled release, I can’t help but think of the similar route that last years Oscar condenter Zero Dark Thirty took. That along with the pretty serious performance that the trailer shows Mark Wahlberg giving, makes me believe that this is trying to make a serious Oscar push.

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