
Remember the teaser trailer for Alfonso Cuarón’s Gravity that we posted about two months ago? Well, there’s new promotional footage out that has been combined into a glorious yet heart attack-inducing five-and-a-half minute-long extended trailer. Technically, the three trailers (not including the added teaser trailer footage) could be considered clips, as they are uncut, but they are presented in the form of trailers, so you could make the argument either way.

Anyway, here’s what I took away from the trailer/clips: Space is glorious, yet frightening, especially when you’re floating around and detached from your destroyed shuttle. And the long takes are breath-taking … mainly because of how convincing and realistic it looks and how that realism adds to the lasting effect of the film. If Gravity doesn’t at least net a Visuals or Cinematography nod at the Oscars (or any of the other major film awards shows) come next year, I’ll be severely disappointed. (And, yes, this is looking like a fall tentpole release, judging from the talent involved and the straightforward nature of the trailer, but the minimalistic nature of the trailer is, in my opinion, helping to sell the film.)

Gravity Poster

Gravity, directed by Alfonso Cuarón and co-scripted by Alfonso’s son Jonás, is set to be released in the U.S. on October 4, 2013. Sandra Bullock (Dr. Ryan Stone) and George Clooney (Matt Kowalsky) are the leading (and only) actors. The film will be released in conventional 2D, as well as converted 3D and digitally remastered IMAX 3D.

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