
Dylan LeBlanc will release his new album Cast The Same Old Shadow on August 21 (Rouge Trade). He’s released his first song from the album, the sprawling haunted “Part One: The End”. Dylan most accurately describes the song with the following:

I had a crazy dream and this was the theme music to it. In my dream I was walking through the forest, and there was a battle going on and everyone was shooting each other and then people were hanging out and smoking cigarettes with their rifles and I remember there was a beautiful woman in the dream with long black hair. She was like a painting, and every time she turned the corner, the rest of the world would also become a painting. Every time I wanted to go closer, she would round the next corner. I woke up and I said “I have to write that song”. I picked it out on my guitar and I started thinking about innocence and what age is it that innocence stops and you start to become more aware of the world. When you become wise, things aren’t as fun and good as they used to be. It takes the magic out of it.

One listen to it and you’ll see exactly where he’s coming from.

[mp3]: Dylan LeBlanc – Part One: The End

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