
Practically everyone has jumped aboard the Tyler The Creator bandwagon (including myself), and for good reason. He’s bringing a lot of excitement to rap music. Tyler is fan of Chaz, and said so on twitter. Toro Y Moi is also on board with Tyler The Creator’s swag. So much so that he remixed Tyler’s song, “French”.

The result is something of a trippy futuristic sounding rap. This is probably what thoughts sound like in Tyler’s head. Wouldn’t be surprised at all.

Download the mp3 below via Gorilla Vs Bear

[mp3]: Tyler The Creator – French (Toro Y Moi Remix)

Also, check out this incredibly funny video that Odd Future shot with Funny or Die. It has Paul Scheer playing an record exec trying to sign them. It’s really funny, and had me rolling. Damn, these guys are everywhere right now.

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