
Army Navy are a cool little indie rock band out of LA who I owe an apology to. Why do I need to apologize to a band I never have met, or even mentioned on this blog?

Well, there is the problem. I really enjoyed their self titled debut album last year, but I didn’t give it enough attention.

Secondly, I never posted about them here! Which doesn’t make sense, because I really like Army Navy!

Their debut album may contain some of the most delightful indie power pop out of the west coast in quite some time. The songs are upbeat, clean, and not shying away from a great sense of melody. Listening to this record will put you in a good mood, and that is just what we all need right about now!

Band member Justin Kennedy used to play in a band with Death Cab for Cutie’s very own front man Ben Gibbard. They were featured in Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist. They just played Conan (video below!). Things are looking good for these young fellas out of LA. Hell even pitchfork approves!

This is really cool stuff. Be a shame to miss out. If Army Navy ever read this, hope you guys accept my apology :-p!

Here are my 2 favorite tracks of their album:

[mp3] : Army Navy – My Thin Sides

[mp3] : Army Navy – Dark As Days

plus their performance of “My Thin Sides” on Conan from the other night!

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