
“Laugh, It’s a Fright” is the debut album from one of my personal favorite bans that I have discovered on my blog. I also consider them friends of mine. This is why I want to apologize to the band for taking so long to writing about their album. My sincere apologizes fellas. I have been posting about these guys for some time showing you their outstanding EP and hauntingly good covers. Now, on to the album.

From the first track “This Isn’t A Fire Fortress” you get a good grasp of what the Chairs are about. Strong distinct vocals from Alex, great instrumentation that makes you forget that you are listening to a debut album. These guys play with enough skill to rub off as vets of the game. The song are well constructed with chorus, concise playing from their rhythm section, and light but well placed guitar plucking. Songs like “No Fingers” show an intimate stripped down side of the band.

“The Hipster” actually reminds me of the Cold War Kids. The Chairs are working with a very raw personal sound that suites them. Check out “If You Were a Murderer” to get a really good idea of The Chairs.  The Chairs are not afraid to use a variety of instruments that give each track a distinguishable trait.

The real strength of the band is their restraint. They allow the instruments to do the talking, and Alex to guide them with his warming vocals. (Check out “Brave The Storm”, it is a prime example) It is a formula that more bands need to stick with. Finally you have to applaud them for the albums production. The production is top notch especially for a self released album.

Overall this is one of the better true indie albums of the year. Spring is finally upon us, go for a nice drive with no destination in mind and pop in “Laugh, It’s A Fright.” It will accompany you well.

[mp3] : The Chairs – If You Were a Murderer

[mp3] : The Chairs – The Hipster

Buy the album directly from The Chairs!

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