Vampire Weekend is everywhere. They went from rocking house parties on Columbia University’s campus to playing shows all around the globe, even taking the time to cover Plastic Bertrand in France. They have blown up since I saw and met them at their release show back at Bowery Ballroom in January. I knew big things would happen to them, and they truly have become the biggest band of 2008. From hipsters, to kids following MTV, Vampire Weekend have done something right because they have connected a wide variably of people in such a short period of time.
They were allowed to play live at the MTVU Woodie awards, and were joined on stage by Chromeo for a special rendition of ‘The Kids Don’t Stand A Chance’. However the recorded remix of the song for the single release is now available. I was a bit worried about how Chromeo would mesh with VW, but my worries were gone after only a minute in of the song. Chromeo enhances this track with their unique sound. They did a real nice job with it making one of the album’s hidden gem’s ready for the dancefloor! Give it a go below!
(Thanks to goold old Luis from Pretty Much Amazing for the mp3!!!)
[MP3] : Vampire Weekend – The Kids Don’t Stand A Chance (Chromeo Remix) | (ysi)
[MP3] : Vampire Weekend – The Kids Don’t Stand A Chance | (ysi)
Purchase Vampire Weekend Albums: Insound
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