
Hey all you loyal readers! Thanks for dedicating so much of your free time helping make my blog as successful as it has been in the short few months. I am now asking a favor from all of YOU. The 2008 Weblog Awards are coming around the corner, and I may be able to run for Best New Music Blog. All that you need to do is find my post and hit the plus button which will give me a vote. The votes will help nominate me for a chance to get the award. I trust that we can get my blog on that list! Thanks for the help!!

[MP3] : A.C. Newman – There Are Maybe Ten Or Twelve
[MP3] : Q-Tip – Won’t Trade | (ysi)
[MP3] : The Killers – Why Don’t You Find Out For Yourself? | (ysi) (thanks to the musicslut for the song)

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