
The election-day hangovers are fading and we’re all kinda tired and giddy and thinking about what comes next. Thom Yorke celebrated on Dead Air Space today by offering a remix of The Eraser‘s “Harrowdown Hill

Thom Yorke is just as thrilled about the election of Mr. Obama just like the rest of America is. To prove it he posted a remix of ‘Harrowdown Hill’ from his solo album “The Eraser”. Oh, and a little note!

in celebration of nov 5th
jonnys burthday
amid bonfire and fireworks in the UK
and the dawn of a new era in politics in the USA
i humbly donate a remix of harrowdown hill that was finished ages ago during the band webcasts,
a small reminder of the dark days of Bush’s….


[MP3] : Thom Yorke – Harrowdown Hill (Logic Jump remix) | (ysi)

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