
Snow Patrol have announced to the world that they have a new album planned called ‘A Hundred Million Suns’ and that it will be released on October 28th in the good old USA. Good news for all you hungry fans of ‘Chasing Cars.’ It is their 5th release, and recorded with producer Jackknife’ Lee who also produced their last album ‘Eyes Open.’ The first single is going to be ‘Take Back The City’ and the video for it will actually be made by Alex Courtes who made the ever so popular video for the White Stripes ‘Seven Nation Army.’

This makes me quite happy. Snow Patrol were one of the first bands that I discovered that were not mainstream (think around the time Final Straw just came out). After hearing them I branched out to different bands, and as I result I have a more eclectic taste in music. I think they deserve a hell of a lot more credit than being known for just ‘Chasing Cars’ the song is a classic in my mind, yes. But they also have many great songs such as ‘An Olive Grove Facing The Sea’ and ‘How To Be Dead.’ People always seem to write them off because of their mainstream success but if you look back at their first few albums, they actually were indeed “indie rock.” Plus, their sound right now is perfect for highly produced indie rock. ‘Chasing Cars’ and ‘Hands Open’ are perfect examples of this.

So I hope this album can keep up the great work they have been producing. They will always be a special band to me, and I will keep on listening! Hope you guys will too!

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