Joshua Dibb, who is known as Animal Collective’s Deakin/Deacon to most of you, got invited to play at the Festival in the Desert in Mali in 2010. They festival is going to help Deacon with all the accomodations once he is in Mali, but they can’t help him with the international travel expenses.
Josh has started a donation/pledge site where people can donate money to help get him get there!! He needs to raise 25,000 by new years eve at noon!! So in order to get people to help him out, he made it interesting. He is going to document all the stuff he see’s through musical recordings, pictures, drawings etc and he is going to make it all available as books and CD’s for those who really help him out.
1. Pledge $20+ :: You will receive a signed photograph taken by Josh while on his travels in Africa. (Limited to 200 People)
2. Pledge $100+ :: You shall receive a CD of sounds and music recorded on the trip, as sculpted and edited by Josh upon his return. CD will be hand packaged, signed and numbered.
3. Pledge $150 + :: Supporters will receive a hand signed limited edition full color, art bound book containing photos, writing, drawings, etc… collected from the traveling party while on their adventures in Africa.
I just donated 20 bucks myself. A signed photo from Deacon is too cool to pass up, plus you are helping a member of Animal Collective!!!! I mean, they have helped me get through a lot through their music, so it’s the closest I will ever get to re-paying them! If I wasn’t a poor college student I would have done the $150 dollar one, that is a pretty sweet deal.
For all the details, go to the Kick Starter Donation Site itself and see what you can do! Good luck Deacon!
[mp3] : Palms – Boundary Waters (Deakin Of Animal Collective Remix)
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