
Video interviews differ in style and length. The primary benefit is that they save time and money for you and the company. Thus, the recruiter and their colleagues watch the interview again rather than depending on the notes. 

However, not everyone is comfortable on the camera, thus bringing disadvantages to some of the candidates. However, with good preparation, the issues can be eliminated and help you move to the next stage. Even the video wizzes at Spiel say that one of the most critical factors of video production is adequate preparation. 

Below are some significant points that you to look for in a professional in a video interview.

 Your Punctuality

Showing up ten minutes before the video interview is essential. It gives you some extra minutes to log in in case you have some challenges.

Professional Attire

Even if you are interviewing from home, remember judgment is made by determining how best you will fit the vacant role. Dress in a professional way like you would if you are meeting in person.

Eliminate All the Distraction

Closing the doors and windows in your room is essential. In addition, shut off the television, ensure that your phone is silent unless you are using it for video conferencing. Keep all the adults, children, and pets away. 

However, if something unavoidable happens, apologize and address it in a concise way and move on. Ensure that you do not conduct your meeting in public places to avoid the destruction associated with them.

Finding a Neutral Background

Careful attention to your background is vital. A disorganized place makes the interviewer see you as unprofessional. It is essential to set yourself on the background, which is entirely blank. 

By doing this, you will look more professional and confident. However, it is not the time for your favourite background.

Good Lighting

Having perfect lighting for a video can be tricky in the home environment. However, get plenty of light overall, position two lights diagonally in front of you, and use natural light where possible.

Ready Your Sound and Video Equipment

Ensure that you have working Wi-Fi, with a strong connection and headset or microphone of good quality to avoid technical issues during the interview. Investing in high-quality equipment is necessary; furthermore, test audio and video before the interview. 

If the interviewer uses platform that you haven’t used before, ensure that you download the app in advance and do testing before the interview.

Positive Body Language and Behaviour

Like the in-person interview, you need to demonstrate body language and voice that is interesting and professional. Avoid too many movements or touching your face. Your camera should be on the eye level and look into it rather than the screen.

 In case you became nervous, your interviewer will not hear your answer clearly. Speaking clearly and being careful will give you a great advantage.

Good Eye Contact with the Interviewer

Ensure that you smile in the interview process and make firm eye contact. Ensure you do not look down on the notes frequently during the interview process. Your eye contact reveals the best deal on your feelings and thinking about what the interviewer is sharing with you.

Speaking Slowly, and Clearly.

Video interview technology may be associated with delays when the microphone does not pick up your voice well. To prevent the incidence, take your time while speaking your words. It ensures that your interviewer hears and understands you clearly during the whole interview session.

Listen Carefully

Sometimes while you are conducting the video interview, you can easily set someone off due to the delays of the audios. Ensure you focus on active listening. In addition, wait for a few seconds before speaking after the interviewer asks you questions to avoid cutting in.

Check the Time Zone

Cross-checking the time zone for the video interview is vital. It could be the difference between showing up on time and being late.

 Wear Some Earbuds

It sounds excellent when the interviewer sees you, clearly. However, if the interviewer does not hear you, clearly, you are in trouble. Your interviewer may forgive you for the wrong video, but the worst audio will cost you. 

Interviewer appreciates when you wear headphones instead of using the inbuilt laptop speakers.


Some systems allow you to record your meeting to polish your skills for a video interview. Recording yourself to tell your story before attending the video interview is vital. A robust professional story sets a confident tone.

Make a Clean Sheet

The interviewer cannot see what is on the camera. Use your interview space to your advantage. Stick a post-it note that has notes questions or required inspiration to the wall behind your camera. 

Your interviewer won’t realize this.

Have a Technical Preparation

Test your computer and camera few days before the interview is essential. Ensure that the picture is clear and the sound is of high quality. Checking your internet connection is also worth it. 

During the interview day, ensure that your gadgets are fully charged or plugged in to avoid the battery from running down. You do not want to sort issues while the video interview is on, so switch everything half an hour before the interview begins. If there are technical errors, do not hesitate, mention the challenge. 

An interviewer may comfortably end the call and redial.


 If you are not comfortable with the camera, it becomes harder for you to relax during your interview. Your presence could influence many people in the video interview. It is unprofessional to discriminate against you based on your appearance. It is essential to control how you present yourself and take steps that put your best foot forward.

 In the same way, you would take time to choose the suit for an in-person interview, spend that effort on your video set-up. Mitigating technical, body language factors and camera will improve the odds. I wish you all the best in your following video interview.

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