Cloud Nothings have come a long way over the years, starting as an outlet for the musical mind of Dylan Baldi and now a fledged rock band that have released four acclaimed albums and only growing bigger with each one. Their new album Life Without Sound (released via longtime label Carpark Records) is their most polished record to date, truly their first to show off the shine of a “studio” produced record. They headlined a sold out Webster Hall on February 1st, featuring a supporting slot from LVL UP, who have gotten even better since the last time I saw them.
It took some time for me to warm up to the sound of the new songs, but at it’s core, it’s very much still a Cloud Nothings record. With the addition of second guitarist Chris Brown, the group has an extra layer of fuzz to deliver, and it’s  certainly felt live. They ran through many offerings from the new album, which felt right at home amongst the heavier stuff from their previous two albums, Here and Nowhere Else and Attack On Memory.
The front section of the crowd stayed ready and active, moshing throughout the show and belting the lyrics along with Baldi. The two-song encore of “Fall In” and “Wasted Days” was typically triumphant and a perfect 1-2 punch to send the sweaty crowd home happy.
Find their setlist posted below, along with a gallery of photos from both performances.
Cloud Nothings Setlist:
1. Up to the Surface
2. Pattern Walks
3. Modern Act
4. Sight Unseen
5. Now Hear In
6. Stay Useless
7. Darkened Rings
8. Enter Entirely
9. Psychic Trauma
10. Things Are Right With You
11. Internal World
12. I’m Not Part of Me
13. Realize My Fate
14. Fall In
15. Wasted Days
Cloud Nothings:

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